September 7, 2023

Introducing... CopyTelling

It's the understanding that the right structure and format along with persuasive language and hypnotic pacing can create a story is not only entertaining but impactful and it drives action.

As a product evangelist, my job is to tell stories.

But I don't just tell stories for entertainment purposes.I tell stories in hopes of compelling my prospects, my audiences, my listeners, my viewers, whatever you want to call them to take some sort of action.

I have a business purpose behind my storytelling.

As much as I'd like to think of myself as entertaining I know I can't compete with Hollywood Screenwriters or Professional Comedians.

But I'm not trying to.

I tell stories for a different purpose.

My purpose and my goal with storytelling is to compel my audience to take an action. I still want them to learn something, to feel some emotion, just like in a regular story, but there's another piece.

There's a piece that's tied to a business outcome.

I need to spark an idea in hopes they look at my product, accept a demo, become a lead, purchase a product.

And so I turn to the power of buyer psychology.

I turn to the history of copywriting.

But I adapted it for a verbal format.

I call it CopyTelling

It's the understanding that the right structure and format along with persuasive language and hypnotic pacing can create a story is not only entertaining but impactful and it drives action.

CopyTelling is about action.

Anybody who is trying to encourage their audience to take action should consider CopyTelling because compelling messaging about features and benefits are not enough.

We live in a story driven world. Make sure you’re telling your side.

I've been writing a book for a long time... and soon CopyTelling will be finished.

But don't wait.

I'm always open to talking about how you can make your stories more impactful.

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